
Showing posts from April, 2020

Soldering fume extractor & Fume Extraction Systems.

Sovplym soldering fume extractor is designed to catch dangerous and harmful soldering fumes generated while soldering. We provide single-user, tabletop fume extractors with a provision for multipoint for wall-mounted, portable fume extractors. Sovplym India also designs and supplies a centralized soldering fume extraction system, which connects a large number of soldering points to a centralized fume extractor. ESD safe units are available to those concerned with electrostatic discharge when working with sensitive electronic devices. All filtration systems include pre-filters, fine filters, HEPA filters (optional) and carbon filters that remove harmful fumes and return air purified to the workplace. All our fume extractors are fully customizable to suit your needs. We are done. Pleased to help you choose a fume extraction solution for your soldering application. DCA-P-300 PORTABLE SOLDERING SMOKE EXTRACTOR: Industries and applications • Laboratories • Non-permanent place